
Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Making Connections

Making Connections

L.I. Identify connections text to text, text to world and text to self

Text to text

Text to world
Text to self
Something I have read or watched that is like this is...
Something I know about that is like this is...
My reaction to this story is...
This book is like the one I read about Maui and his brothers. In this story, Maui and his brothers go out on a boat to try and hunt for fish with Maui's speacial hook.
This is like when my sister always used to make trouble and never got into trouble. I think this is because she was the youngest
This book is good because the brother’s try to do some hard tasks and even though they were failing, the brothers kept on trying. The book Sons of Ma’afu is similar, because the brothers were given some difficult things to do, and even though they couldn't do them they keep trying their best.

Today we had to read a book called the sons of Ma'afu we had to make connections of text to world to to self and text to text. The book sons of Ma'afu is about a book of brothers that make trouble.

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